1. Help Center
  2. Enrollment Guide
  3. How to complete your New Licensee Registration and Attorney Oath form

Step 1: Receive and access your form

The Office of Admissions will notify you directly by email to your current email address on record with Admissions when you are permitted to take the attorney’s oath.

Afterwards, you will receive a separate email from DocuSign containing a link that will allow you to access the required New Licensee Registration and Attorney Oath form. In order to enroll with the State Bar of California, it is necessary to complete this form. There are two steps involved in completing the form:

  1. Complete the Attorney Registration Information section by providing your name, address, public phone, public email, law school, and places of prior admission to practice. The information you provide will become part of your official record with the State Bar.
  2. Complete the Attorney Oath section when taking the attorney’s oath. You should not sign and date your form until the date the attorney’s oath is administered. The date you sign the form should be the date the oath was administered. You may take the attorney’s oath at an organized swearing-in ceremony or before an authorized individual.

Upon receiving the email from DocuSign, simply click on the link labeled "Review Documents" to easily access your form.

Once you click the "Review Documents" link, you will be directed to a page where you can review and complete your form. Please make sure to check the box indicating your acceptance of the DocuSign Electronic Record and Signature Disclosures. After that, simply click on "Continue" to proceed with the process.

Once you have accessed your form, you have two options for completion:

  1. Complete your form online using DocuSign.
  2. Download and print your form to complete it manually.

Note: It is recommended that you complete the Attorney Registration Information section of the form online. Then, if preferred, you can download your form to execute required signatures by physical signature. You will typically be required to print your form for physical signatures if you are participating in an organized swearing-in ceremony or if you are completing the oath with a California notary. Please remember that you should not sign and date your form until the date the attorney’s oath is administered.

If you received confirmation from the Office of Admissions that you are permitted to take the attorney’s oath and have not received the email from DocuSign with the link to the form, contact the Office of Admissions at Admissions@calbar.ca.gov.