Pay your annual fees

Learn how to complete payment of your annual fees and/or costs.

Payment of your annual fees and/or costs can be completed online through your My State Bar Profile.

To pay your annual fees and/or costs, log into your My State Bar Profile and click the "Make a payment" button under the "Make a payment" option on your Profile Summary page.

Note: My State Bar Profile is not compatible with mobile devices or tablets. Please use a desktop or laptop to complete payment online.

On the "Annual Fee" landing page, click "Calculate and pay my fees" to proceed with calculating your fees and/or costs. 

The "Fee Breakdown" page will display your assessed fees. Click "Continue" to proceed.

For 2025, the annual fees for active licensees is $598.00; for inactive licensees, $205.00.

Next, the "Donations" page allows you to add optional donations. Make your selection for each optional donation and click "Continue" to proceed.  

Note: You are required to make a selection of zero or another amount for each optional donation before leaving the "Donations" page.

Next, the "Sections" page allows you to add a California Lawyers Association (CLA) membership and Section. If you are currently a CLA member your membership will be preselected for you. Make your selection and click "Continue" to proceed.  

Please note: Questions about CLA membership and Sections should be directed to CLA at or 916-516-1760.

Next, the "Adjustments" page allows you to take available optional deductions and apply for fee scaling (if applicable). Make your selection and click "Continue" to proceed.   

Note: Fee scaling applies only to licensees on active status with qualifying income. 

If you are eligible and qualify, fee scaling requires submission of the required Fee Scaling Declaration. 

As part of your Fee Scaling Declaration, you must also indicate if you would like to make payments on an installment basis. If you opt to make payments on an installment basis, you will be asked to confirm your decision before it is finalized.

Note: Once you confirm your participation, you will not be able to change your response. Additionally, if you are assessed a noncompliance penalty for any required annual reporting obligations, you will no longer be eligible for the installment payment plan and will be required to pay all fees and costs by June 30, 2025. 

If you finalize your decision to make payments on an installment basis, you will receive confirmation of your decision. Click "Exit & return to Dashboard" and continue completing any other reporting requirements. 

 If you choose not to apply the fee scaling adjustment or opt for fee scaling without selecting installment payments, you will be directed to the "Review" page. On this page, you can review the fees details you have selected before completing the payment process.

To generate an invoice and submit a payment by mail, select "By Mail" and download the generated invoice. Once you have downloaded your invoice, click "Exit & return to Dashboard."

To complete a payment online, select "Online" and click "Continue" to access the State Bar's online payment portal. 

Select your payment method, either ACH (electronic check) or credit card, and click "Next" to proceed.

Note: You must use an active U.S. bank account to complete payment by ACH (electronic check).

Enter the required information for the payment method selected and click "Next" to proceed.

Note: Update the "Country" field to complete payment with an international credit card or with a U.S. bank account with an international billing address. 

Finally, you will be asked to verify your submitted payment information. If changes are required, click "Prev" to return to prior screens. If no changes are required, click "Submit" to complete payment online. 

After submitting your payment, you will receive confirmation that it has been successfully submitted.

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